Execute a Workflow multiple times with different periods from a BR
I am trying to automate a yearly load of data from a business rule. I want the rule to loop through a set of periods and run a specific workflow for that period. The workflow uses a connector rule in which I get the scenario and period of the workflow being run.
THe issue I am facing is that I can get the WorkflowPK for the workflow/scenario/time that I want to run. But when I call BRApi.Import.Process.ExecuteParseAndTransform with that key, a workflow starts, but if I happen to be on that workflow in the session I am running it picks up the POV from where I am at. So if I want my business rule to run 3 periods (Jan - Mar). If I am on Dec, then it runs December every time. Below us how I get the WFPK and call the
Dim wfClusterPk As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitClusterPk(si, wfProfileInfo.Name, wfScenarioName, wfTimeName)
' Parse and Transform:
Dim ImportInfo As New LoadTransformProcessInfo
ImportInfo = BRApi.Import.Process.ExecuteParseAndTransform(si, wfClusterPk, String.Empty, Nothing, TransformLoadMethodTypes.Replace, SourceDataOriginTypes.FromDirectConnection, False)
Here is my connector rule that gets the scenario and the time;
Dim wfPk As WorkflowUnitPk = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitPk(si)
Dim wfProfileInfo As WorkflowProfileInfo = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, wfPK.ProfileKey)
'Get the WF Time and WF Scenario from API
wfTime = brapi.Finance.Members.GetMemberName(si, dimtypeid.Time, si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
wfScenario = ScenarioDimHelper.GetNameFromID(si, wfPk.ScenarioKey)
Dim objTimeMemberSubComponents As TimeMemberSubComponents = BRApi.Finance.Time.GetSubComponentsFromName(si, wfTime)
wfFiscalYr = objTimeMemberSubComponents.Year
wfFiscalPer = objTimeMemberSubComponents.Month
Any and all thoughts are appreciated.
Hi ssmith-nova
If you derive the WorkflowUnitClusterPk from the Transformer api in the connector rule (rather than deriving this from SessionInfo), this will enable you to control, the WFProfile, Scenario and Time in your logic, as desired
Hope this helps