Extract Row count for Import only stage load
Hello all - Looking to capture the actual # of rows inserted into the StageSourceData, NOT just the # of rows that the api.Parser.ProcessDataTable(si, dt, True, api.ProcessInfo) command tries to insert.
For example, there are cases where rows are filtered out (not inserted) due to Zero Suppression, non numeric characters, etc...that are reported in the processing log, but don't actually make it into the StageSourceData table. Looking for the # of rows that actually make into StageSourceData.
Obviously, this can be querying by doing a count on that table with the proper wfk and wtk, but wondering if there is an API call that will tell me the same information that's in the processing log. In the case below, I would want the lines valid, not the lines read (which is already available in the API)
----------- Line Counts -----------
Lines Read ........................ 42625
Lines Valid ....................... 42000