Forum Discussion

kumar's avatar
New Contributor II
3 years ago

Extracting Dashboards

Hi I am trying to extract a dashboards  from an application and load into another application, would any one be able to share the XML template that is used for Project Extract & Load? or would appreciate any other helpful suggestions and guidance. 


thanks - Kumar 

  • With FolderPath, you can give individual locations to the project items.

    A project can saves a dashboard in two ways, as Zip or as individual files in a folder structure. In my sample, I called the root directory of these folder structure „prj“ but you can use any other name.

  • ChristianW's avatar
    Valued Contributor


    You will find a lot of information about the xf project definition here: http://<your%20server>:50001/onestreamweb/Help/Content/Design%20and%20Reference/Foundation%20Guides/Project%20Extract%20and%20Load.htm?Highlight=xfproj

    It is really easy to us.

    <xfProject topFolderPath="Prj" defaultZipFileName="Matrix.Zip">
    <projectItem projectItemType="BusinessRule" folderPath="" name="MTX_Rule" includeDescendants="true"/>
    <projectItem projectItemType="BusinessRule" folderPath="" name="MTX_HelperQueries" includeDescendants="true"/>
    <projectItem projectItemType="Dimension" folderPath="" name="Matrix" includeDescendants="true"/>
    <projectItem projectItemType="Cube" folderPath="" name="Matrix" includeDescendants="true"/>
    <projectItem projectItemType="CubeViewGroup" folderPath="" name="Matrix" includeDescendants="true"/>
    <projectItem projectItemType="CubeViewProfile" folderPath="" name="Matrix" includeDescendants="true"/>
    <projectItem projectItemType="DashboardMaintenanceUnit" folderPath="" name="Matrix" includeDescendants="true"/>
    <projectItem projectItemType="DashboardProfile" folderPath="" name="Matrix" includeDescendants="true"/>


    • kumar's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hello Christian;

      Thanks very much for the reply and for the reference guide, I just got hung up on 2 aspects 


      would it be possible to let me know what is the purpose of these 2 values? in your above example I see that the topFolderPath is set to "Prj" and folderpath is set to "" blank - just was confused about this. 


      thanks once again!!!



  • topFolderPath = to which subfolder relative to the .xfproj where the extract is done to

    folderPath = no clue 😄

    Cheers Frank

    • ChristianW's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      With FolderPath, you can give individual locations to the project items.

      A project can saves a dashboard in two ways, as Zip or as individual files in a folder structure. In my sample, I called the root directory of these folder structure „prj“ but you can use any other name.