Forum Discussion

YanSavinsky's avatar
New Contributor III
4 years ago

How to display Workflow Status in Cube View or Dashboard

Does anyone know how to display Workflow status in a Cube View or a Dashboard?

I would like to create a report that would show the status of a particular step within a subset of workflows. I am thinking of a more formatted presentation of the information available in the "Dependent Status" grid available in the "parent" workflow "Certify" grid.

More specifically I would like to create a report showing the status of all "Flash Report" steps in the attached screenshot.

Thank you in advance and best regards.


  • You can make use of the application reports that show workflow status.

    You can change the columdisplaytype  to workflowstatusimage to show those icons.

    I used the data adapters that came with workflow status to create this quick dashboard. (it is not pretty. However, gives you an idea)



  • LeeB's avatar
    Contributor II

    Actor Workspaces in the MarketPlace have some examples of how to present this.

    Golfstream also has a working example...

    You would just need to filter your Data Adapter to return the required WF step(s).

    • LuciaPank's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hello Lee,

      can you please point out where in GolfStream can this example be found? I managed to create the Data Adapter and included it in a dashboard as a grid view component. My issue is, that I don't need to display all the columns (would like to get something as you have in your picture). Thank you!

  • YanSavinsky's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Thank you very much to both ckattookaran and Lee.

    Lee, if it's not too much trouble, can you point me to the specific dashboard group in GolfStream that contains that working example?

    • Krishna's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      You can also user Method Query Adapter to extract the Particular WF Status and attached it to the Grid View and you can format it the grid.

      {WFNAME}{Actual}{|!WF_Time_Parm!|}{Import Status}{Descendants}{Type = 'InputImportChild'} 

  • DEReam13's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I want to tag on to this thread.  Got back from Splash excited to experiment with dashboards and created a tabbed dashboard for import, forms, and certification. . .

    Since this is new for me, I was wondering if there is a way to limit the columns that my users see in each grid or will each individual user of the dashboard have to choose which columns to have visible and which columns are Hidden?


  • Oscar's avatar

    is there a way to expand it to see all time periods and not just the one referenced in the workflow?