Forum Discussion

SRAI's avatar
New Contributor III
4 years ago

Importing a CSV file from from Documents/Public/xyz folder to OneStream Cube


I have a requirement to import a Cell Details CSV file into OS. My questions are as below:

1. Can we import a CSV file from Documents/Public/xyz folder to OneStream Cube? I tried it but it didn't worked. However, I was able to import the CSV from File Share folder.

2. To achieve above, I was trying to copy the CSV file from Documents/Public/xyz folder to File Share folder but I am getting an error "Part of the path cannot be found" (SRC Path: Documents/Public/xyz folder).




Here is the code to copy a CSV file from Documents/Public/xyz folder to File Share folder:

If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Move_File_from_Public_to_FS_Folder")

	Dim configSettings As AppServerConfigSettings = AppServerConfig.GetSettings(si)
	Dim xfolderPath As String = FileShareFolderHelper.GetDataManagementExportUsernameFolderForApp( _
		si,True, configsettings.fileShareRootFolder,si.AppToken.AppName)
	Dim DestinationPath As String = "Cell_Details" 
	Dim ParentPath As String = "Documents/Public" 

	Dim fileToMove As String = "Cell_Details.csv"
	Dim folderPath As String = BRApi.FileSystem.GetFolder( _
		si, FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, ParentPath & "/" & DestinationPath).XFFolder.FullName
	brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "folderPath:" & folderPath)

	'File.Copy(Path.Combine(folderPath & "/" & "Cell_Details.csv"), _
	'	Path.Combine(xfolderPath & "/" & "Cell_Details.csv"), True)     <--- TRIED THIS COMMAND AS WELL BUT GOT THE SAME ERROR

	Dim fileBytes As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(folderPath & "/" & fileToMove)

	Using dbConnApp As DBConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
		Dim dbFileInfo As New XFFileInfo( _
			FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, fileToMove, xfolderPath, XFFileType.Unknown)
		dbFileInfo.ContentFileContainsData = True
		dbFileInfo.ContentFileExtension = dbFileInfo.Extension
		Dim dbFile As New XFFile(dbFileInfo, String.Empty, fileBytes)
		BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, dbFile)
	End Using
End If

Below code is working which copies CSV file from File Share folder to Public folder:

If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Move_File_from_FS_to_Public_Folder")

	Dim configSettings As AppServerConfigSettings = AppServerConfig.GetSettings(si)
	Dim xfolderPath As String = FileShareFolderHelper.GetDataManagementExportUsernameFolderForApp( _
		si,True, configsettings.fileShareRootFolder,si.AppToken.AppName)
	Dim DestinationPath As String = "Cell_Details"
	Dim ParentPath As String = "Documents/Public"

	Dim fileToMove As String = "Cell_Details.csv"
	Dim fileBytes As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(xfolderPath & "/" & fileToMove)
	Dim targetDir As String = BRApi.FileSystem.GetFolder(si, _
		FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, ParentPath & "/" & DestinationPath).XFFolder.FullName

	Using dbConnApp As DBConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)

		Dim dbFileInfo As New XFFileInfo( _
			FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, fileToMove, targetDir, XFFileType.Unknown)
		dbFileInfo.ContentFileContainsData = True
		dbFileInfo.ContentFileExtension = dbFileInfo.Extension

		Dim dbFile As New XFFile(dbFileInfo, String.Empty, fileBytes)

		BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, dbFile)
	End Using
End If

Appreciate any help.




  • Try this

    Dim fileName As String = "CellDetails.csv"
    Dim usrfile As XFFileEx = BRApi.FileSystem.GetFile(si, FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, "Documents/Public/" & fileName, True, True)
    Dim fileBytes As Byte() = usrfile.XFFile.ContentFileBytes
    File.WriteAllBytes($"{BRApi.Utilities.GetFileShareFolder(si, FileShareFolderTypes.ApplicationIncoming, Nothing).Replace("Incoming", "")}DataManagement\Export\{StringHelper.RemoveInvalidNameCharacters(si.UserName, False, False)}\{fileName}", fileBytes)
  • Try this

    Dim fileName As String = "CellDetails.csv"
    Dim usrfile As XFFileEx = BRApi.FileSystem.GetFile(si, FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, "Documents/Public/" & fileName, True, True)
    Dim fileBytes As Byte() = usrfile.XFFile.ContentFileBytes
    File.WriteAllBytes($"{BRApi.Utilities.GetFileShareFolder(si, FileShareFolderTypes.ApplicationIncoming, Nothing).Replace("Incoming", "")}DataManagement\Export\{StringHelper.RemoveInvalidNameCharacters(si.UserName, False, False)}\{fileName}", fileBytes)
    • SRAI's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thanks Celvin. It works. A lot to learn 🙂

    • IBK's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi Celvin,

         I have seen many videos of yours and Thanks for the abundance of information you provide. We are running into a strange issue where we have .csv files to load and when we come across certain formats it just dosent get loaded into a table in OneStream. In the sql table I have it as a varchar but whatever I do the data for the columns dont get loaded.

      Any help would be appreciated,


      Thank You,
