Knowledge Base Article

OneStream Community Cookie Policy

Cookies are small data files stored in web browsers to track usage and enable useful services and features when using OneStream Community (defined below)  or interacting with OneStream Community. This document provides information on the standard cookies used by OneStream Community and how to reject or delete those cookies should users choose to do so.  

Please note that restricting cookies can have an adverse impact on the functionality and the online user experience when interacting with OneStream Community. 

We classify the cookies typically used by OneStream Community and into the four broad categories described below. 






Strictly necessary 

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the OneStream Community such as tracking a user session, or accessing secure areas. 

Session cookie used to pin a logged-in session to a browser 



The information these cookies collect is anonymous and is used to collect aggregate data including information about the pages users visit. 

Cookies delivered by Omniture WebAnalytics and Google Analytics for purposes of aggregate reporting 



These cookies allow websites to remember preferences and settings, such as your username, language, region, font size, and so on. 

Cookie used to hold a user’s username as part of a “remember me” feature 


Tracking, targeting and sharing 

These cookies remember that you've visited a website, a particular web page, and/or track your activities on the site. This information is sometimes shared with third party advertisers for serving targeted online advertising or other personalized content. 

Cookies used to track visitor activity on an individual basis can be used by OneStream Community, Service Provider (defined below) or its third party business partners to serve personalized content, and/or later aggregated and used to analyze website traffic and trends. 


 Cookie List 

Cookie Name 


Description and Purpose 

Expiration Time/Type 

If removed, disabled, or not accepted 








AWS sticky session cookie required for load balancer routing. See this document for further information. 

Request ( persists for 7 days) 

Sticky session won't work and some functionality will break. 



For continued stickiness support with CORS use cases after the Chromium update,  additional stickiness cookies for each of these duration-based stickiness features named AWSALBCORS (ALB) are being created. See for further information. 

Request ( persists for 7 days) 




Distinguishes users using a unique ID. It is used by Google Analytics to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data. By default, the configuration setting that sets this cookie is disabled. File a Support ticket to request enablement. 

2 years (persistent) 

Visitor and session data will not be tracked and will not be available to Google Analytics 



Used for passing authentication information to OneStream Community and/or Service Provider 
This cookie is a cancel cookie. This cookie is set to avoid  re-read the original lithiumSSO cookie set with SSO. 


SSO may  not be functional for the user 



Session management 


User cannot log in, and is treated as an anonymous user 

lia.anon.{setting or config name} 


Stores community-wide configurations and settings for anonymous users 

1 year (persistent) 

OneStream Community behavior will follow defaults and any UI convenience changes made by the user will be ignored. 

usersetting.{setting name} 


Remembers user preferences 

1 year (persistent) 

OneStream Community will not remember the user’s setting preferences 



Remembers language preferences 

1 year (persistent) 

OneStream Community will not remember the user’s language preferences. The language will default to the native language defined for the community. 

lithiumLogin:{community id} 


Keeps users logged in when they make a request after their session has expired. It is triggered when a user checks Save login name and password. The cookie is encrypted and includes a unique user secure ID in the database. 

30 days (persistent) 

The "auto login" and "remember me" features will not work 



Temporarily stores Realtime Notification messages (Toast messages) 


Realtime notification toasts may not appear (pop-up) after a page transition. 



Session management 


The user will not be able to view secure pages and will be redirected to the login page 



Secure Session management 


The user will not be able to view secure pages and will be redirected to the login page. 



Replaces VISITOR_BEACON. OneStream Community currently uses both for backward compatibility. This cookie computes billing visits, registered billing visits, visits, registered visits, and unique visitors metrics. The cookie is encrypted and stores when it was first issued, when it was last seen by OneStream Community/Service Provider, an unique visitor ID (which is unique per visitor’s browser). 

Configurable (Default = 6 Months) 

Note: To change the default value, contact OneStream Community Support. 

Visits and unique visitors metrics will not be accurate.  



Tracks when a user has voted in a poll and tracks the answer value. The cookie is used to prevent a user from voting multiple times in a single poll. The cookie is only placed if Use cookies to prevent multiple votes is enabled by OneStream Community Admin. 

14 days 

If the user is an anonymous user, the user will be able to vote multiple times when the cookie is cleared. If the user is logged in, votes, and then clears the cookie, they are not allowed to revote. 



Authenticates the user for a session with Realtime Notifications service (Pushy) 

Manually cleared when the user logs out or when their session expires due to inactivity 

WebSocket connections to the Realtime Notification service will fail with a 403 Forbidden error and the user will not see realtime notifications. 



Computes billing visits, registered billing visits, visits, registered visits, and unique visitors metrics. The cookie is encrypted and stores, when it was first issued, when it was last seen by OneStream Community, the user ID, and its own unique ID. 

Configurable (Default = 6 Months) 

Note: To change the 

default value, contact OneStream Community Support. 

Visits and unique visitors metrics will not be accurate.  



Distinguishes between human and bot traffic 

3 years (session) 

Defeats the bot detection mechanism. (May see increased spam on the community.) 



Stores a timestamp storing the creation time of this cookie, which is used in value survey trigger logic. 


Default is 90 days. Configurable in Community Admin 

The user will get multiple prompts to take a survey 



Stores the survey visit count of the user, which is used in logic that determines when a survey is triggered. This cookie is used in conjunction with the ValueSurveyParticipation cookie. When the ValueSurveyParticiation is set, the count for ValueSurveyVisitorCount cookie is reset to 0. 

Expires when the ValueSurveyParticipation cookie is either set or expires 

The user will not be prompted to take a survey until the count defined in the Delay before prompting user with survey field in Community Admin > Features > Value Surveys > Settings is met. 

LithiumCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v1) 


Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept" on the cookie banner to store Type 2, Type 3 & Type 4 cookies. 

For Cookie Banner v1, this cookie stores: 

-'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner. 

-'2' if user clicked "Reject". 


Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. 

This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is explicitly removed from the browser, the cookie banner will appear again and Type 2, Type 3 & Type 4 cookies will not be stored unless the user clicks “Accept” again. 

LithiumNecessaryCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2 and Aurora) 


Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 1 cookies. 

For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: 

-'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 

- For Classic: '0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user clicked "Reject". 

- For Aurora: "1" when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user clicked "Reject". 

-'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 

Irrespective of the value, Type 1 cookies are always stored in the browser.  

Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. 

This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled, removing or deleting this cookie from the browser will not impact any Type 1 cookies that are stored in the browser. 

LithiumFunctionalCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2) 



Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 3 cookies. 

For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: 

-'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 

-'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 

-'2' if user clicked "Reject". 


Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. 

This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is removed from the browser, then new Type 3 cookies will not be stored in the browser. 

LithiumTargetingCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2) 


Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 4 cookies. 

For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: 

-'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 

-'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 

-'2' if user clicked "Reject". 

Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. 

This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is removed from the browser, then new Type 4 cookies will not be stored in the browser. 

LithiumPerformanceCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2) 


Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 2 cookies. 

For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: 
-'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 
-'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". 
-'2' if user clicked "Reject". 

Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. 

This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is removed from the browser, then new Type 2 cookies will not be stored in the browser. 



Cookie is used by Communities to show in-app feature guides in the "Community Admin" section 





Cookie is used by Communities to show in-app feature guides in the "Community Admin" section 






Cookie is used by Communities to show in-app feature guides in the "Community Admin" section 





mPulse enables real-time performance monitoring and analysis of the community and helps improve over... 

7 days 

The mPulse tools and dashboards from within Akamai will no longer contain the relevant real user measurement data. 

kh-local-storage (for Aurora only) 



Introduced in Aurora 23.5/23.6 when it was discovered that Android apps need to have local storage enabled to embed a community via WebView. If local storage is not enabled, the app falls back to using this cookie for local storage instead.  


Mobile Android apps that embed a community using WebView and do not have local storage enabled will fail to render pages. 

LithiumImpersonatedUser (for Aurora only) 



Keeps reference of the user being impersonated when the Switch Member feature is enabled. 

30 minutes 

Switch Member feature would not work as cookie is used to identify the impersonated user. 




When the bounce URL is set in the SSO properties, the user is redirected to said URL if it’s not authenticated. In order to avoid a redirection loop, this cookie is set to mark that the user has already been redirected once. 


If the bounce URL is set in the SSO properties, the user may enter a redirection loop and be unable to access OneStream Community. 



Remembers users' preferences to consent to cookies originating from external video providers 

180 days / 6 months 

Users are asked to consent to cookies originating from external video providers 

LithiumLocalePreferences (For Classic and Aurora communities) 




Used to keep track of the user’s preferred language 

24 hours 

Increase in number of calls to verify user language preference. Language preference order may be altered or may default to browser selected preference. 

For Aurora -  

If this cookie is not present, a query will be executed to retrieve the language. If the user does not have a value in their preferences, we will use the browser's `Accept-Language` header. 




Used to enable toggle text key functionality in end-user app.  

24 hours 


Toggle text keys functionality would not show on end-user app and therefore could not be used. 

LithiumLocalizedCategoryLocalePreference(Aurora only) 



Used to keep track of the users selected language in the language selector when Localized Community is enabled in Aurora. 

24 hours 

Users selected language from the language selector will not persist. Language preference will shift back to the language retrieved from the users browser `Accept-Language` header. 

Cookie Name 


Description and Purpose 

Expiration Time/Type 

If removed, disabled, or not accepted 



Tracks the workspace to redirect to after a session timeout 

1 day 




Cookie Name 


Description and Purpose 

Expiration Time/Type 

If removed, disabled, or not accepted 



Protects against cross-site scripting 


This is a security token. It is critical for the application to run 



This is the main session cookie 


This is the main session cookie. It is critical for the application to run 



Stores the user’s current application tab 

14 days 

When a user reloads the page, the user is redirected to the default tab instead of to the last tab used in the application 



Retrieves the user’s language 

14 days 

This is used only when LSW cannot detect the browser language and a user has no language set 



Cookie Name 


Description and Purpose 

Expiration Time/Type 

If removed, disabled, or not accepted 



This is the main session cookie 

24 hours 

This is the main session cookie. It is critical for the application to run 



This is an auto-generated JSP cookie 


The application does not rely on this cookie but uses the cookie occasionally to auto-generate UUIDs 




The user’s main session cookie 

Expires when the browser session ends 

The application will not run 



‘OneStream Community’ means the OneStream Community website that can be found at: [], including but not limited to any partner or customer OneStream Community pages associated with the website.  

‘Service Provider’ means the website service provider of the OneStream Community website, Khoros.  


Updated 4 months ago
Version 2.0
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