2 years agoNew Contributor II
Journal Entry Event handler not getting applied to excel upload
Hi All!,
My team and I have placed a JE event handler with restrictions for preparer and approver (where preparer can't approve his/her own JEs - Approve/reject/post & Unpost) along with JE email notification.
In this Scenario where a user has both Preparer and Approver access, submits JE through excel, his/her JE is getting directly approved without considering the restrictions we have placed in the JE event handler but when done manually it's working as expected. below is our BR. any help will be greatly appreciated.
Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As JournalsEventHandlerArgs) As Object
Dim returnValue As Object = args.DefaultReturnValue
args.UseReturnValueFromBusinessRule = False
args.Cancel = False
'Evaluate the operation type in order to determine which subroutine to process
Select Case args.OperationName
'SUBMITTED - Notifiy Approver
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.SubmitJournal
'' MG
Dim isAdmin As Boolean = BRApi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInAdminGroup(si)
Dim wfName = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk).Name
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "CreateduserId: " & journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID.ToString)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "UserId: " & si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID.ToString)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
If Not isAdmin Then
If Not wfName.Contains("Corp")
Dim userinfo As UserInfo = BRApi.Security.Authorization.GetUser(si, si.UserName)
Dim groups As New List(Of String)
'' Groups assosciated with this user
For Each userGrp As Group In userinfo.ParentGroups.Values
Dim wfParent As String = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetParent(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk.ProfileKey).Name
Dim isInLEGroup As Boolean = groups.Any(Function(x) x.Contains(wfParent & "_Preparer"))
'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "WfParent: " & wfparent & " - " & isInLEGroup)
If isInLEGroup Then
Me.XFR_HandleFinalizeSubmitJournal(si, globals, api, args)
Throw New XFException("Security Access Error: Only preparer can create and submit journal for the current Workflow")
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.FinalizeSubmitJournal
'' MG
Dim isAdmin As Boolean = BRApi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInAdminGroup(si)
Dim wfName = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk).Name
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "CreateduserId: " & journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID.ToString)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "UserId: " & si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID.ToString)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
If Not isAdmin Then
If Not wfName.Contains("Corp")
Dim userinfo As UserInfo = BRApi.Security.Authorization.GetUser(si, si.UserName)
Dim groups As New List(Of String)
'' Groups assosciated with this user
For Each userGrp As Group In userinfo.ParentGroups.Values
Dim wfParent As String = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetParent(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk.ProfileKey).Name
Dim isInLEGroup As Boolean = groups.Any(Function(x) x.Contains(wfParent & "_Preparer"))
'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "WfParent: " & wfparent & " - " & isInLEGroup)
If isInLEGroup Then
Me.XFR_HandleFinalizeSubmitJournal(si, globals, api, args)
Throw New XFException("Security Access Error: Only preparer can create and submit journal for the current Workflow")
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.ApproveJournal
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "CreateduserId: " & journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID.ToString)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "UserId: " & si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID.ToString)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "God let it work:approveJournal ")
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be approved by the same user as the creator")
End If
End If
'APPROVED - Notify Submitter
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.FinalizeApproveJournal
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "CreateduserId: " & journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID.ToString)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "UserId: " & si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID.ToString)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "God let it work:finalizejournaL ")
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be approved by the same user as the creator")
End If
Me.XFR_HandleFinalizeApproveJournal(si, globals, api, args)
End If
'POST - Notify Submitter
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.PostJournal
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be posted by the same user as the creator")
End If
End If
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.FinalizePostJournal
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be posted by the same user as the creator")
End If
End If
'REJECTED - Notify Submitter
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.RejectJournal
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "CreateduserId: " & journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID.ToString)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be rejected by the same user as the creator.")
End If
End If
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.FinalizeRejectJournal
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "CreateduserId: " & journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID.ToString)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be rejected by the same user as the creator.")
End If
Me.XFR_HandleFinalizeRejectJournal(si, globals, api, args)
End If
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.UnpostJournal
If(args.isBeforeEvent = True)
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be un-posted by the same user as the creator.")
End If
End If
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.FinalizeUnpostJournal
If(args.isBeforeEvent = True)
Dim journal As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim cubeName As String = GetCubeFromJournal(si, journal)
If cubename = "CCR" And journal.Header.Header.CreatedUserID = si.AuthToken.UserUniqueID Then
Throw New XFException("Journal can't be un-posted by the same user as the creator.")
End If
End If
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.StartUpdateJournalWorkflow
Dim cubeName = brapi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk).CubeName
If (cubeName = "CCR") Then
If Not BRApi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInGroup(si, "WF_CCR_All_Approver") Then
' Do nothing
If BRApi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInGroup(si, "WF_CCR_All_Approver") And Not BRApi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInGroup(si, "Administrators") And Not BRApi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInGroup(si, "WF_CCR_All_Preparer") Then
If (args.IsBeforeEvent=False) Then
Throw (New XFUserMsgException(si, Nothing, Nothing, "Security Access Error. Only preparer can execute the current workflow step."))
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
Return returnValue
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
' End Function