Forum Discussion

Sergey's avatar
Contributor III
2 years ago

Journal posting with alternative input currency flows

Dear community,

I'm creating a very simple balanced journal template, with the exception that this journal will have to use "alternative input currency" flows.

For that, I have set 2 flows like below :

Input_USD :

Input_CNY (chinese yuan):


My journal is of "balanced" type. However, I have input done in both USD and Chinese Yuan and the Journal doesn't seem to care ? In the exemple below, I have 20 USD booked, and 20 CNY booked, and OneStream considers the journal posting as "balanced" :

Am I missing something ?





  • You're not missing anything. Translation on the database hasn't happened at this stage so it doesn't know the translated values.

  • chul's avatar
    Contributor III

    You're not missing anything. Translation on the database hasn't happened at this stage so it doesn't know the translated values.

  • chul's avatar
    Contributor III

    Are the users entering each side of a single journal in different currencies? For example:

    DR Accounts Receivable     100 EUR

    CR Sales                                                 87 GBP

    I haven't come across this use case. You would have no choice but to create the template as unbalanced as it will never balance if this is what the user is entering.

    If you add a confirmation rule, I would assume that due to the fluctuation in exchange rates, you would need to also build in an acceptable threshold. In which case, that is also simply a number. But you can write code to translate on the fly in the confirmation rule.

    • Sergey's avatar
      Contributor III

      Well, it's more like I would allow the user to input in both in Euros, or Both in GBP. In any case, it seems it doesn't balance at this stage, but would require a confirmation rule in the next workflow step, So "unbalanced" it is 🙂

      Thanks !

  • Sergey's avatar
    Contributor III

    It makes sense, should the system provide a "balanced" information as these input should be in different currencies (based on the flow dimension elements) ? Or should we just use an "unbalanced" journal type, and manage the balancing information in a confirmation rule for instance ?
