Forum Discussion

Keyser_Soze's avatar
2 years ago

Navigate from a workflow ChildStep to another


I have a workflow step of type 'Workspace, Certify'. Through a workspace button, I am able to complete/revert the step.

I am wondering If I can navigate to the 'Certify' window automatically upon completing workspace through a business rule, or we can only do so manually ?

    BRApi.Workflow.Status.SetWorkflowStatus(si, wfClusterPK, StepClassificationTypes.Certify, WorkflowStatusTypes.InProcess, "Certify Started", "", "User clicked complete workflow", Guid.Empty)
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ChangeSelectionChangedNavigationInDashboard = True
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ModifiedSelectionChangedNavigationInfo.SelectionChangedNavigationType = XFSelectionChangedNavigationType.OpenPage
    Dim navPath As String = "XFPage=Workflow"
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ModifiedSelectionChangedNavigationInfo.SelectionChangedNavigationArgs = navPath


  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager
    BRApi.Workflow.Status.SetWorkflowStatus(si, wfClusterPK, StepClassificationTypes.Certify, WorkflowStatusTypes.InProcess, "Certify Started", "", "User clicked complete workflow", Guid.Empty)
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ChangeSelectionChangedNavigationInDashboard = True
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ModifiedSelectionChangedNavigationInfo.SelectionChangedNavigationType = XFSelectionChangedNavigationType.OpenPage
    Dim navPath As String = "XFPage=Workflow"
    selectionChangedTaskResult.ModifiedSelectionChangedNavigationInfo.SelectionChangedNavigationArgs = navPath


    • Keyser_Soze's avatar

      Just what the doctor ordered, thanks sir ! 
      MikeG There goes our problem solved in seconds, haven't tried it yet but it seems logical

      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        The main trick is to set the next step as InProcess, so the system will see it as "the item I should go to when opening the workflow". Then you trigger navigation and boom.

  • MikeG's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi Keyser_Soze,

    I would like to do this also. Haven't had any luck as of yet.  In my setup I have a Server Task of Execute Dashboard Extender Business Rule, that does the WF Complete and Revert tasks.  There's no obvious API in the Extender TaskResult action to change the navigation.  On the button component, I've tried a POV Action of 'Change Workflow' but that does not advance it to step 2 of the WF task (the Certify action). 

    Here's hoping someone here on Community has found the secret recipe.


    • Keyser_Soze's avatar

      The only workaround I found, for the time being, was to decompose the workflow steps into 2 different Workflows (Workspace & Certify separately).  This way, we can use the 'Button' properties to navigate between windows
      I assume you thought of this one too but it does not do the job ... I hope JackLacava comes to the rescue hah