Forum Discussion

phillipcolecpa's avatar
New Contributor II
7 months ago

Oracle EBS 12 Drill Back to Journal and Subledger information

Hello everyone,  newbie here, 

We about to embark on phase 2 of our implementation with the first task of creating drill back capabilities to our Oracle EBS 12.2 (on Prem) application.  I want to try to organize as much of this as possible up front since my IT resources are extremely busy at this point.  I have been searching for guidance on the best options for setting this up, but have run into so much disparate information.  

Is there any one of you fellow Oracle EBS users who would mind jumping on a call with me to discuss some of my options? 

1.  Where can I find Oracle SQL code examples to drill back to trial balance, journal and subledger information

2. Where could I find OneStream code snippets that could be incorporated into my application for this drillback data. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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