2 years agoContributor II
Question: Is it Possible to Extract Data with Time Periods in Columns?
I know we can use the Matrix setting in our Data Sources to import data where time periods are in the columns (i.e. M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 M6 etc.).
Is anyone out there aware of a way to extract data out of OS in the same type of format (time periods in columns); either by way of a DM step or any other way?
Here it is:
Dim dtObj As DataTable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteDataUnitTimePivot(si, "Equipment Division", "E#NAE.Base", "Local", ScenarioTypeId.Budget, "S#Forecast3p9", "T#2023.base", "Periodic", False, True, "", 4, False) Dim csvText As New Text.StringBuilder() For Each drObj As DataRow In dtObj.Rows For Each dcObj As DataColumn In dtObj.Columns csvText.Append(drObj(dcObj.ColumnName)) csvtext.Append(",") Next csvText.AppendLine Next Dim folderName As String = "Documents/Public/Csv" Dim fileName As String = "CsvFile.csv" Dim csvFileInfo As New XFFileInfo(FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, fileName, folderName) Dim csvFileObj As New XFFile(csvFileInfo, String.Empty, Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csvText.ToString)) csvFileObj.FileInfo.ContentFileExtension = "csv" Dim folderObj As New XFFolder(FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, folderName) BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFolder(si, folderObj) BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(Si, csvFileObj)
It will save the file in "Documents/Public/Csv/"
And here the functions details:
Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteDataUnitTimePivot(si, cubeName, entityMemFilter, consName, scenarioTypeId, scenarioMemFilter, timeMemFilter, viewName, suppressNoData, useGenericTimeColNames, filter, parallelQueryCount, logStatistics)