Forum Discussion

Reed's avatar
New Contributor
7 months ago

Run Confirmation Rules from Outside the Workflow

Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding confirmation rules - is it possible to run confirmation rules from outside a workflow via a dashboard button or some other method?

Some of our users who would like to see the status of their confirmation rules without having to complete the form and workflow. Currently, they have to mark all forms as complete, complete the workflow, and process the cube to see confirmation rule status. Then, once they see which rules are failing, they have to revert the forms workflow, then revert individual forms - it seems like a lot of extra steps.

The forms nodes on our workflows are set up as "Form Input, Process, Confirm, Certify".

One possibility we've considered is a dashboard where users can click a button that runs the confirmation rules for their current workflow, then return the status of those rules in a grid view, all without having to complete the forms workflow. I've created a grid view to show confirmation rule status for the currently selected workflow, but this only populates after the workflow has been completed and confirmation rules have been run. If we could run those rules from a dashboard (or via some other method outside the workflow), that would save our users some extra steps.

Would this require a custom business rule assigned to a button? Would we need to process the cube as part of this button in addition to running the confirmation rules? Or is there a simpler way to do this?

Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you.

  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi, I have not seen this being done the way you describe, but I am not ruling out that this does not work, technically.

    My suggestion to this request is to set up dynamic members (e.g. in UD8) that mirror the confirmation rule logic, so you can just set up a cube view for the users to look at. The downside of this is of course that you will have to maintain the confirmation rules logic in two places.

  • MarcusH's avatar
    Contributor III

    We do something similar to what Henning suggests except that the Confirmation Rules are only managed once. We have the confirmation rules in UD8 as dynamic calcs and then there is a cube view which displays the results of the confirmation rules. For the confirmation rules themselves we just read the result of the dynamic calc via a Finance BR. The code for the confirmation rules is the same for every confirmation rule:

    Dim CRHelper As New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.ConfirmationRules.MainClass
    Return CRHelper.main(si, globals, api, args)

    The Confirmation Rule name indicates the UD8 member to check and the finance BR picks that up like this:

    Dim Rulename As String = args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.Rule.RuleName

    And the final piece is that the UD8 member description contains the name of the form where the validation error can be fixed. That is then presented to the user via the Finance BR. It works really well and saves a load of time.