Running data managament sequence from business rule against server of choice
- 9 months ago
Hi Andrea, you observed expected behavior. DM jobs launched from a rule ignore the server settings on the DM step.
ExecuteDataMgmtSequence or StartDataMgmtSequence do not honor the “Application Server” setting in the Sequence Properties, but they run on the server that is running the business rule that called one of these functions.
QueueDataMgmtSequence queues the launched DM jobs against the available cons/DM servers and avoid running on a gen/stage server (meaning, will execute the job on servers other than the one that executes the BR).
In the past - as far as I am informed - there was no way to determine a single server to run a DM job on when executed from a BR. Hopefully QueueDataMgmtSequence suffices in your case. If you have a dedicated server used only for DM jobs, or maybe even the particular job you are looking to execute here, maybe you can open a ticket to see whether this is not possible with 8.0 and above.
If not and you need to run this job on a specific server, I suggest to execute the DM job directly or via a button. The DM jobs can also be scheduled using Task Scheduler in that helps in your case.