Forum Discussion

vmanojrc30's avatar
2 years ago

Workflow Questions - Matrix Load, Load Methods & WF Channels

1. It appears WF setup with a Matrix Data Source always imports ALL the periods updated in the Source file regardless of the WF Period I am importing from. Is it possible to limit it to Import only the WF Period?

2. I have a source file that will be updated/changed with the entities being loaded every time when it is loaded via a WF.In Order to preserve the balances of the Entities previously loaded I am thinking to have Source ID same as my Entity Name as I don't see any "Merge" Mode Load Option in WF. Is there any other way or better option to load files in Merge Mode.

3. If I want load granularity by multiple custom dimensions, In addition to the one custom allowed for WF channel setup, can I use concatenation of Entity & Account & Custom as Source ID to preserve the data previously loaded? Is there another way to achieve this OR any cons with this approach?

  • Hey,

    These are a lot of questions to answer in a single post, most people won't have the time to respond to all of them in one go. You might have better luck splitting them into individual posts, spread out over multiple days.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor


    These are a lot of questions to answer in a single post, most people won't have the time to respond to all of them in one go. You might have better luck splitting them into individual posts, spread out over multiple days.