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Knowledge Base Article

Platform v8 Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The attached Platform v8 Upgrade FAQ document (v1.1) provides responses to questions regarding the upgrade process.  Feel free to contribute additional questions you would like to see answered in replies to this post.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
  • BRiley's avatar
    New Contributor

    I understand that we will be provided a sandbox for v8 prep and a resource to assist us in making sure we are ready to upgrade.  Is there a time constraint on the sandbox and resource?

  • Yes - all Cloud Customers are provisioned v8 Migration environments, 1 for 1 in alignment with their current/active environments.  Meaning, if you have Prod and Non-Prod current environments ... you will be provisioned Prod_v8 and Non-Prod_v8 environments - in parallel - where you will perform upgrade activities (MP solution upgrades, resolve any Business Rule incompatibilities).  These environments will have a temporary, distinct URL.

    Once upgrade activities and testing of v8 is complete, there will be a final data merge into the v8 Migration environments, the current environment URLs will be assigned and away you go.  The pre-v8 environments will be removed.

    We are ensuring cloud customers demonstrate readiness for the v8+ Upgrade Migration Phase so that the time these v8 Migration environments are active is optimized.  Readiness = getting your .NET6 Desktop Runtime provisioning plan in place, MP Solution Upgrade plan in place, etc... 

    So - long, but hopefully complete answer to your quesiton.  We don't want the v8 Migration environments existing any longer than is needed for a customer's efficient upgrade process and testing.  Please share your Upgrade plan with Customer Success so we're all on the same page!  Thanks