Forum Discussion

TT's avatar
New Contributor III
2 months ago

Workflow Sibling Import

Have a question regarding- " if two import workflow profiles are not siblings of the same input parent, but load to the same entity, scenario and time dimensions, the data loads and clears at the account level. "

If the two import profiles are not sibling to the same input parent (like it is not sibling 1 and sibling 2) , how can we load to the same entity? Since, entity assignment is done at a parent input profile level, If 1 entity is assigned to parent 1 input profile, we cannot assign the same entity to parent profile 2


  • FredLucas's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi TT,

    It would be good to understand what is the reason behind needing to load data to the same entity via two separate profiles.

    I'm guessing this might be that each profile might be loading data for the same Entity but against different Profit Centres for example? 

    If that's the case, you might want to consider using workflow Channels.

    Note: sometimes, specially in Planning cubes, this raises the question if Profit Centre should not be on the Entity Dimension itself (having business entities as UD1 for example). There's a chapter on the Design an Application course that explains the considerations around this topic in detail.