2 years agoCommunity Manager
Get Certified, Get Recognized!
Are you ready for Splash Las Vegas? We are!
The OneStream Certification Program wants to recognize you at Splash!
Anyone who has achieved a OneStream Certification should visit the OneStream Certification booth to receive some special gifts we have just for you!
- For those who PASS an exam in March or April 2024, there’s an exclusive gift just for you!
- If you are already certified, you will receive:
- A special lapel pin indicating your credential.
- A OneStream Certified ribbon to wear on your badge at Splash.
- A special mention during the Splash awards ceremony for all OneStream Certified individuals.
To schedule your exam, log into CertMetrics via the Okta portal and register for your desired exam.
For questions, contact the Certification team through SNOW > Credentialing.
See you at Splash!