Knowledge Base Article

OneStream Community Code of Conduct

Welcome to the OneStream Community!

The Community’s mission is to provide OneStream administrators, solution consultants, administrators and other technical professionals a central hub to solve real world problems, share knowledge and engage with peers and OneStream.

We are happy you are part of the OneStream Community! We encourage you to visit often and participate. Get into the habit of searching the site for information and ask your toughest questions. If you find a solution that works, let others know and pay it forward!

Your participation is essential for this community to thrive, and you can do so in a range of ways: posting question and sharing answers, leaving comments on blog articles or ideas, voting for ideas  on IdeaStream, or just thanking someone for a helpful contribution. Remember that the Community is powered by volunteered time from busy professionals such as yourself.

Before you get started, please note the following about OneStream's policies and code of conduct. 

OneStream Community reserves the right to change, modify, or delete any of the platform's content or features at our sole discretion. All information in the Community is provided as-is and without warranty of any kind. OneStream Community is not responsible or liable for any personal data you post on the Community site. OneStream Community reserves the right to terminate participation or access to the Community for failure to comply with the OneStream Community Code of Conduct. Your continued use of the website is acceptance of the code of conduct, privacy policy, and future iterations of each, if applicable. If you do not agree to be bound by the community guidelines, your exclusive remedy is to cancel your account and discontinue your use of the website. 


Code of Conduct:

To foster a vibrant, thriving, and friendly Community, we request members abide by the following guidelines when participating in the OneStreamCommunity.

  1. Please be kind and courteous 
  2. Give acknowledgement and praise when due
  3. Provide helpful feedback
  4. Respond in a timely manner 
  5. Do not post, share or solicit confidential or personal identifying information on any forum at any time. This includes email addressesBe respectful of other people's opinions
  6. Stay on topic and keep comments relevant to the overall discussion
  7. This platform is not meant for marketing or soliciting business. Absolutely no advertising or solicitation of any person or company for any person or any company.Keep things professional: no political, religious, or private details should be shared
  8. Bear in mind the forums have user-generated content and some advice you may find in forums may be inaccurate 
  9. Remember that theCommunity is powered by volunteered time from busy professionals such as yourself! Don't be discouraged if it takes some time to see a reply. 

By Participating in the Community you agree to follow these rules as well as the full Terms of Service for the OneStream Community. 

If you have any questions about our guidelines, terms, or policies, let us know at

Thank you!

The Community Team


Updated 4 months ago
Version 3.0
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