Knowledge Base Article

What's IdeaStream?


IdeaStream is a collaborative channel where our customers and partners can submit and discuss ideas with our community and OneStream product managers. Your voting and discussions will help us prioritize your popular user request as part of our product planning process.

For technical support or to report product bugs, please visit the ServiceNow portal.


Submit your ideas for product improvements or new features through IdeaStream. This is your chance to promote and gather support for your idea, to bring it to the attention of OneStream Product Managers. We encourage you to engage with other community members by reviewing the ideas suggested by your peers. When you come across an idea you like, upvote it and leave a comment telling us how it will help you. While we would love to work on all of your ideas, we can’t do everything right away, and we need your help prioritizing ideas that matter most to you.


Open Ideas

Open ideas can be voted and commented upon.
  • New – The idea has just been posted and will be able to immediately collect votes. Product Management will review all new ideas and move them either to the Gathering Interest or Needs More Info status.
  • Needs Info - A new idea that requires more information and refinement from the Idea Poster. Someone through ONECommunity will reach out to the poster of the idea to ensure they understand the full scope of the idea.
  • Gathering Interest - The idea is collecting interest and can be open for comments and voting. This process will be continuous until ideas gain enough traction to be pushed to Under Review.
  • Under Review - The idea has received enough votes to be considered for the roadmap.
  • Scheduled - The idea has been assigned for near-term future release.
  • Future Consideration - The idea is a high priority and is being scheduled for a future release.

Closed Ideas

Closed ideas are closed for voting. Some closed ideas may remain open for comments and may be reopened at OneStream’s discretion.
  • Delivered - The idea has been delivered and made available in the product.
  • Duplicate - The idea has already been submitted by another user. Review OneStream comment for the link to the existing idea where it should be upvoted.
  • Existing Feature - The idea is an existing feature. Review OneStream comment with information on the feature. This may include a workaround or 3rd party solution.
  • Bug - The idea is an existing feature behaving in unintended ways. It has been submitted to the development bug backlog that is managed through ServiceNow.
  • Closed - The idea does not meet the current product strategy or cannot be addressed for other reasons. Review OneStream comment for details on rationale behind this decision.
Published 6 months ago
Version 1.0
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