Knowledge Base Article

IdeaStream Frequently Asked Questions

What is IdeaStream?

IdeaStream is a collaborative feedback channel where OneStream customers and partners can submit, vote, and discuss ideas on how to improve the OneStream platform and solutions. IdeaStream lets you connect with OneStream product managers while collaborating with other community members on product ideas and suggestions. IdeaStream was created to help prioritize our product roadmap and align resources to streamline the development of popular user requests. IdeaStream will enable us to understand what the user community needs, and how to create more value within our products. With your candid feedback, our team can confidentially prioritize what to build next, while providing enhanced visibility into the build process.


Who can participate in IdeaStream?

All OneCommunity logged-in users can view, vote, post, and comment on ideas.

How do I vote for an idea?

To vote for an idea, click the "thumbs-up" button. To remove your vote, click on the thumbs-up button again. You may vote on as many ideas as you like. We also encourage users to comment on ideas to offer solutions or workarounds, expand on idea requirements, or share the impact the idea will have on their organization.

How do I post an idea?

Before submitting an idea, search to see if the idea already exists. If there is an existing idea, upvote that idea. Our community's search capability searches the entire community for relevant ideas or forum discussions about that topic.

If there isn't an existing idea, submit an idea on the All Ideas board by clicking the Suggest an ideabutton. Please read the Idea Submission Guidelines on details of what to include in your submission.

How can I promote an idea to other members so it gets more support?

As you participate in the community and notice discussions that you think would benefit from ideas you are interested in, promote them in those discussions! Consider joining OneStream Community Groups, and reach out to your coworkers to build support and generate votes.

What is the difference between Top Ideas and Hot Ideas?

Top ideas are based on the highest number of votes. Hot ideas are based on an algorithm that combines recency and popularity (such as views, comments, votes, unique participants).

What evaluation criteria are used when reviewing and accepting ideas?

While we would love to review and respond to all of your ideas, we prioritize top-voted ideas for review during quarterly review cycles. Our goal is to set a minimum vote threshold in the future once IdeaStream voting activity is established. Top ideas are reviewed and evaluated for desirability, viability, and feasibility. Sometimes, a great idea may have dependencies on other development work that needs to be completed first, and it may not be accepted until the dependency is cleared. In all cases, OneStream will always strive to communicate the rationale and next steps through Idea statuses and comment updates.

  • Desirability - How many votes? How many customers voted? How many customers and industries will benefit?
  • Viability - Is this globally relevant? Does it correspond with market trends? Does it align with OneStream's product vision and strategy?
  • Feasibility - How large and complex is the development effort? Is it workable and scalable with the product’s architecture? Do we have resource availability?

What happens to top ideas that do not get accepted for development?

Ideas that do not get selected but are still considered valuable will be placed back into the voting pool for the next cycle’s consideration. If it is clear that an idea is not feasible or something we will not consider for the foreseeable future, it will be closed. Sometimes, a great idea may have dependencies on other development work that needs to be completed first.

How many ideas will be accepted during quarterly reviews?

The number of ideas will vary each quarter as some ideas take longer to develop than others. In case that a development team best equipped for developing the idea based on its subject matter may not have enough bandwidth in the upcoming release, so we may have to prioritize less ideas based on their availability.

When can I expect an accepted idea to be delivered?

During quarterly reviews, we typically accept ideas that can be delivered within one or two upcoming releases. When the idea is accepted, OneStream will also indicate the estimated availability date. If due to unforeseen circumstances the idea is not delivered when initially estimated, we will post an update in the idea.

Updated 6 months ago
Version 2.0
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