Knowledge Base Article

Bug - Translation Issue with Account "TXP_TxRperGL"

This relates to release PV7.3.0  SV100. You will need to apply this fix to the OpenPlace solution.

This fix was discovered by Julien Coudrette from Finit Solutions. Thank you Julien for bringing this to our attention.

CSRC case # CSRC0109897


The TXP_TxRperGL account (Ending GL Balance) translates all UD2 Balance Sheet members using the average rate on a Periodic basis. This means that the Balance Sheet UD2 members are translated incorrectly. 

Metadata Setup:

The Account member setup: 

Account Type: Asset

The Flow member setup:

(uses the Average rate and translates periodically - this is fine for the P&L accounts - UD2#TXP_TXRecTotalExpense.Base)

The UD2 member setup:

Need to provide a way to translate the Balance Sheet UD2 members using the Closing rate


Go to the Finance rule "TXP_BusinessRules".

Go to the section "Schedule07TaxAccountReconciliationTranslation".

Add the following syntax at the bottom of the rule.


Here is the actual code that you can copy into your BR's:

'"per GL" Translation fix for Balance Sheet accounts (CSRC0109897)
'A#TXP_TxRperGL -> Account Type = Asset
'F#TXP_TXRec_Input -> Switch Type = True   (uses the Average rate and translates periodically - this is fine for the P&L accounts - UD2#TXP_TXRecTotalExpense.Base)
'U2#TXP_TxRecBalanceSheet.Base -> Provide a way to translate the Balance Sheet UD2 members using the Closing rate
api.Data.Calculate("V#YTD:A#TXP_TxRperGL:I#None:F#TXP_TXRec_Input:U5#None:U6#None:U8#None = RemoveNoData(V#YTD:A#TXP_TxRperGL:I#Top:F#TXP_TXRec_Input:C#Local:U5#None:U6#None" & _ 
  ":U8#None * " & api.Data.DecimalToText(calcSession.Closingrate) & ")",,,,,"U1#TXP_TotalJD.Base","U2#TXP_TxRecBalanceSheet.Base","U3#TXP_SourceTotal.Base", _


Published 4 months ago
Version 1.0
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