Knowledge Base Article

Troubleshooting - Schedule DM 01b Actual Nat GF – Summary of the Definitions

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 426.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" 

See KB article: "Troubleshooting the Schedules"

Schedule DM 01b Actual Nat GF – Summary of the Definitions

This dashboard is only used on the XFW_TXP_GLTaxAdmin workflow. It is only used to show the National group filing definitions for all periods in the workflow year. It has several compare columns to show any differences from the prior period. No input is permitted in the schedule. It shows all entities for the National JD with suppressed rows with no data turned on.

Dashboard Name

  • SchDM01b_Actual Nat Group Filings (TXP)


Entities are based on the following parameter:

  • |!Tax_Entities_AllParents_TopEntity_TXP!|
    • Defined as: XFBR(TXP_ParamHelper, Entities_Sorted_AllParents, Sort_Entities_TF=|!Tax_Entities_Sorted_TF_TXP!|)

The “Alpha Sort” check box is based on the following parameter:

  • |! Tax_Entities_Sorted_TF_TXP!|

Difference column

This column is defined with the following syntax:

  • GetDataCell(BR#[BRName=TXP_CV_CompareAnnotation, FunctionName=Compare, SourceScenario=TXP_Actual, DestScenario=TXP_Actual, GF=Nat, SourceTime=|!WFYearPrior1_M12_LV_TXP!|, DestTime=|WFYear|M1]):Name(“Mth / Mth”)




Updated 2 years ago
Version 4.0
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