Is It possible to add a member to the View Dimension?

Valued Contributor
Originally posted by Keith Chapman

Is It possible to add a member to the View Dimension? Say Current Month Vs. Prior Month Variance Member?

We would like to be able to Drill down on the Current Month Vs. Prior Month Variance # that we now have created in a report.



Valued Contributor
Originally posted by Jerri McConnell

Hi Keith,

No, members cannot be added to the View dimension.  This dimension is a fixed, system dimension which cannot be modified.  Normally, this type of "view" that you're talking about (current vs prior month) would be accommodated with a dynamic calculation members (typically in UD8).  Any calculated member (dynamic or stored) can also have a corresponding drill-down calculation definition, so that the user can drill down to the component members/values of the calculation.

Hope that helps!