New Contributor II

A simple way to ensure consistent cube view formats and save time is to create style parameters at the beginning of your OneStream implementation project.  This will ensure that everyone involved in development can utilize them and you won’t need to waste time correcting formats on numerous cube views after you are well into development. 

Another reason to utilize style parameters is it allows customers to customize what color and style scheme they would like for their dashboards and reports.  Some customers don’t like the default green/white/red cell color scheme in OneStream cube views for several reasons and want to change it to their own preferred colors scheme.

Note:  One of the most common reasons for changing the cell color scheme is that the most common type of color blindness is red – green.  If you ever want to test out a color scheme for cube views you can take a screen shot to this site: https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/  


MarketPlace Solution Set up

You can download the Standard Cube View Styles solution from the OneStream Marketplace, it is located under the Reporting category and then load it into your application.




This will create a Dashboard Maintenance Unit named XFW Cube View Styles with a list of 52 parameters of various types.  You can customize each one of these or just the ones you want to use for your application.




I prefer to create my own dashboard maintenance unit and name it so it is the very first maintenance unit, in this case it was: 000_Parameters.  The reason being, if I need to look up or add a parameter, I can find it quickly.  This also allows the rest of the development team to add more parameters of any type in one location, so we don’t end up having numerous versions of the same parameter spread across different dashboard maintenance units.  



Creating a Style Parameter

  1. Create a parameter (in this case I am just doing a default cell and a default header)::



  1. Put a format in for the default value (you can create this by going into the cell or header format menu in a cube view and selecting various options, then copying and pasting what you have created from the format screen into the parameter definition) :

TextColor = Black, NegativeTextColor = Red, BackgroundColor = XFMediumBlueBackground WriteableBackgroundColor = Snow, ExcelNumberFormat = [#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)], NumberFormat = [#,###,0;(#,###,0);0]



  1. Click here on your cube view and add them into the Header Format and Cell Format area in the lower section of the cube view and then save the cube view.

Note: Clicking the ellipsis does not bring up a parameter selection screen, it brings up a format builder menu.  You are better off either copying and pasting your parameter in the following format: |!DefaultParameter!|




Overriding the Default Style Parameter

There are times where you might need to customize a column or row from the default format for reporting purposes.   You can change it on the column or row itself to override the default style setting.  In the example below the default NumberFormat is being overridden to show percentages in the % Change column.  

