Visitor II

Question (cont)

  • I am using extensibility in the Account dimension, whereby I have a summary/parent dimension containing Budget Accounts. This has been extended to provide more detail for Actuals. What member filter should I use to get all the base members within the Budget account structure?
  • Note: I can’t use .children as there are multiple levels within the budget account structure.



  • Use a member filter with the .Options expansions. This will allow you to specify the cube and the scenario type to identify the dimension required:
    • A#[Income Statement].Base.options(Cube=CORP, ScenarioType=Budget, MergeMembersFromReferencedCubes=False)


Source:  Office Hours 2021-06-10 - Partner Enablement  

Version history
Last update:
‎09-14-2023 08:15 AM
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