Blog Post
2 years agoContributor III
Concerning the last comment, I would use a different way to execute the SP :
Consider here that "p_airport_1", "p_airport_2" and "p_passengers" are string parameters.
Using dbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
Dim SqlQuery As String = "EXEC SP_API_CLIMATIQ_TRAVEL_FLIGHT @p_airport_1=" _
& p_airport_1 & ", @p_airport_2= " & p_airport_2 & ", @p_passengers= " & p_passengers
Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSqlUsingReader(dbConn, sqlQuery, True)
End Using
Then I will execute the SP, but also get the output of the SP in a datatable.