Knowledge Base Article

Global Options Dashboard

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 37.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100

Global Options

The Global Options page contains eight properties that must be set before the start of any unit testing. After defining the Entity Dimension, set the Tax Entity hierarchy and the other Global Options. These settings cannot be saved until all options are set. It is recommended you not change these settings after loading data.

Note: All Global Options settings are saved to literal parameters.

Access the Setting dashboard from here:

Access to the “Global Setup” page is limited to both the OneStream security group “Administrators” and to the security group that is selected on the Global Setup page. There is an XFBR rule in TXP_ParamHelper where the security group is evaluated.

Note: The “Administrators” security group “bypasses” all other security groups.

This XFBR rule is referenced on the dashboard component “btn_ShowSettings_TXP”.


If a user is in this security group, then they will see the “Settings” icon in the upper right-hand corner…

and have access to this page:

Note: The "Security Role (Manage Tax Setup)" is only used to limit user access to the Global Setup page. It is not used anywhere else in the Tax Provision Blueprint application. However, it doesn't limit you from using it elsewhere in the application as you setup security groups.

Select the Entity Dimension and Entity

The Entity (Hierarchy) is referenced in rules and parameters. In the drop-down list box, select the Entity Dimension and then highlight the top-level tax provision legal entity parent.

Security Role (Manage Tax Setup):

You now have the ability to use a specific security group to control access to this Global Setup page. You do not have to use the OneStream security group “Administrators”.

Seed Year

A 4-digit Dashboard Parameter used in the initial configuration of Tax Provision Blueprint to store the seed year of the application. This parameter is used in Business Rules to calculate tax provision data.

For Bulk Copy (Return Data) - RTP Range of Years

Select how many years prior to the workflow that you want available when copying the national to local return data (bulk or single POV copy). The default is “3”. Valid values are 1 to 5. This value is used in Schedules DM 20b / DM20bAdmin, DM 20b2 / DM20b2Admin, DM 30b / DM30bAdmin, and DM 30b1 / DM30b1Admin.

Sch 03 Expiration Year (lower limit)

A 4-digit Dashboard Parameter is used to limit what the user can input as the lower limit expiration year for Schedule 3, but only in the Seed Year.

Sch 03 Expiration Year (upper limit)

A 2-digit Dashboard Parameter is used to limit what the user can input as the maximum expiration year for Schedule 3. This 2-digit value is added to the current WF (Workflow Year).

Sch 04 Tax Year (lower limit)

A 4-digit Dashboard Parameter is used to limit what the user can input as the lower limit tax year for Schedule 4.

 Important! All fields in Global Options must contain a valid response in order to save.


Updated 11 months ago
Version 7.0
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