Knowledge Base Article

Home Page Reports

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 216.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100"

See KB article: "Report Groups"

See KB article: "Reports"

See KB article: "Sample Reports - Overview"

Home Page Reports

We continue to refine and add new reports to this area. These reports are meant to be a starting point and can be removed, added to, modified or re-arranged based on each implementation.

The following is a brief explanation of the report framework with sample screen shots. The final product screen shots may differ slightly.

You can access the Tax Provision Blueprint Home Page from OnePlace.On the top right, select the Home Page icon.You will then have a list of Report Groups with the available Reports in the lower pane.   Reports on the Home Page are set up as read only. This is by design. Data modification needs to be done in a workflow on a schedule.

All dashboard reports now have the “Sticky POV” concept applied to them. As you set a POV, it will apply to other reports as long as it is the same parameter being used. There are some cases where it looks like the combo boxes are the same, but they are actually populated with different parameters. The “Sticky POV” concept is controlled by BR’s in the file “TXP_SolutionHelper”.

All the dashboard reports have a letter in the name (i.e.: <C> ). These letters are meant to show you that these reports use the same entity parameter and the “Sticky POV” will render the same entity for all reports with the same letter.The following list shows which entity parameter is associated to which letter:

  • <A> |!Tax_Entities_CountryParents_TXP!|
  • <B> |!Tax_Entities_AllBase_TXP!|
  • <C> |!Tax_Entities_ParentsAndBase_TXP!|
  • <D> |!Tax_Entities_AllParents_TXP!|
  • <E> |!Tax_Entities_CountryAndLower_TXP!|

    All dashboards have been updated to allow a “scroll bar” to appear when the toolbar is larger than your screen. This allows you to easily access the full toolbar without having to re-size other windowpanes.


Updated 12 months ago
Version 4.0
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