Knowledge Base Article


The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 174.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100

See KB article: "Parameters - Manual Updates Required"


As we mentioned at the beginning of the document, we use parameters extensively – in cube views, dashboards, reports, business rules, data management jobs to name a few. Extreme care should be used when making any modifications to the parameters.

Parameters do not appear in alpha/numeric order. We have used the “Sort Order” to arrange them in a logical order. You can adjust the order of the parameters as you like.

All parameters should be reviewed to make sure that the cube dimension, the entity dimension, and the entity name, the UDx dimension names represent what you have created in your application. If you use the exact same dimension names, then no changes are necessary.

Here are the Dimension names that are used in Tax Provision Blueprint:

Examples of things to look for and possibly change based on individual application set ups:

The Cube name is used throughout the entire application. We recommend that you also use the cube name “XFW_TXP” in your application.

The dimension names are used through the parameters. We recommend that you also use the dimension names that come with the Tax Provision Blueprint app.

The Settings options that are selected and saved on the Setup dashboard are written and stored to several Literal Value parameters. These parameters are then used in BR’s and CV’s.

The following literal value parameters are used throughout business rules, cube views and in other parameters.


The following parameters have the return to provision scenario (TXP_ActualRTP) hard coded in the member filter:

  • NationalFiler_ActualRTP_DM30b1_TXP
  • NationalFiler_ActualRTP_DM20b2_TXP
  • UD1_JD_20b2_TXP
  • UD1_JD_30b1_TXP
  • UD7_Sch30b_ML_All_TXP
  • UD7_Sch30b1_ML_All_TXP

There is a parameter called “Tax_Entities_SETR_TXP” that uses the “Where” clause. There is currently no option to use VaryByScenarioType or VaryByTime. It only looks at the “Default” scenario type.

If you use the “Default” scenario type for this setting, then no modification to this parameter is required. If you cannot use the “Default” scenario type, then you will need to redefine the member list.

We could have defined the member list as follows, but it is then hard coded to the application’s specific entities:

E#TXP_Domestic_Total.TreeDescendants, E#TXP_Intl_Total.TreeDescendants.Remove(TXP_Europe_Total)


Updated 2 years ago
Version 6.0
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