Knowledge Base Article

Parameters - Manual Updates Required

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 179.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100

See KB article: "Parameters"

Parameters - Manual Updates Required

Here is a list of specific parameters that need to be evaluated and possibly changed based on your specific app setup.

Parameters are located here:


This parameter is used on other parameters as well as in a number of CV’s. It is a literal value parameter that has the lowest level time period for the Tax cube. By default, it is set to “Months”. This is particularly important if your application uses a “Time Profile” whose base level is something other than months (i.e.: weeks, quarters…).

So, rather than hardcoding parameters and cube views with “.base” or “.months”, we have created this parameter to make it easier to update your application.

However, if you require Tax schedules (maybe in different scenarios) to have more than one type of base level time periods (i.e.: some schedules need months and some need quarters), then additional modifications will be required.

If your application just uses the Standard time profile that goes down to months, then no updates are required.

If you need your Tax schedules to be at “weeks” or “quarters” (and your scenarios are set up to accept data in that frequency), then you will need to update this parameter and test the CV’s.

Here is a list of the parameters that use this parameter:

  • WFYearBasePeriods_ML_TXP 

Here is a list of the cube views where this parameter is used:

  • 10b FX Rates Actual WF Year_TXP
  • 10b FX Rates FCST_M5 WF Year_TXP
  • 10b FX Rates FCST_Q2 WF Year_TXP
  • 10b FX Rates FCST_Q3 WF Year_TXP
  • 10c FX Rates Actual All Years_TXP
  • 10d Calc Status All Entities WF Year_TXP
  • 10dd Calc Status All Entities WF Year_TXP
  • 10dFC Calc Status All Entities WF Scenario_Year_TXP
  • 10ee Calc Status Actual All Entities WF Year_TXP
  • 10f Calc Status WF Entities WF Year_TXP
  • 10ff Calc Status ActualRTP All Entities WF Year_TXP
  • TimeStamp_Overview_TXP
  • Sch_01_TaxRates GLTaxAdmin_TXP
  • Sch_03_OriginYear_TXP
  • Sch_04_Payments Refunds_TXP
  • Sch_04FC_Payments Refunds_TXP
  • Sch_LNB_TXP
  • Sch_LP05_06_National Process excl Local JD_TXP
  • Sch_LP05_06_FC_National Process excl Local JD_TXP


This parameter is used in the footer of ALL cube views and reports. It may need to be adjusted for your specific app setup.


This parameter is hard coded to the Tax cube name. It may need to be adjusted based on your app setup.


This parameter is used in schedules to provide a list of forecast scenarios. It may need to be adjusted for your specific app setup.


This parameter is used in schedule 01f to provide a list of forecast scenarios. It may need to be adjusted for your specific app setup.


This parameter is used in reports to provide a list of forecast scenarios. It may need to be adjusted for your specific app setup.



This parameter most likely will have to be updated based upon the countries that your app is setup with.


This parameter most likely will have to be updated based upon the countries that your app is setup with.


This parameter most likely will have to be updated based upon the countries that your app is setup with.


This parameter most likely will have to be updated based upon the countries that your app is setup with.


Updated 2 years ago
Version 4.0
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