Troubleshooting - Schedule LP 02a Actual Local GF – Enter Definitions
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 414.
See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100"
See KB article: "Troubleshooting the Schedules"
Schedule LP 02a Actual Local GF – Enter Definitions
This schedule is only used on “xxx_LocalGroupFiler” workflows and must be completed before you can enter tax rates for Local JD’s in schedule 01.
The first column in this CV is hidden and uses a dynamic UD8 member (TXP_LocalFiler) which populates a “1” on any rows that contain Annotations (cell text). This is required for the suppression to work because suppression only works on data and not on cell text.
Dashboard Name
- SchLP02a_Local Group Filings (TXP)
UD1 Jurisdiction (JD)
No jurisdictions are showing up in the drop-down box:
- Parameter used: UD1_JD_WFText3_P1_TXP
- defined as: U1#XFBR(TXP_ParamHelper, GetWFText3, Position=1)
- WF Text 3 – needs to have the country level Local jurisdiction . Base (i.e. U1#TXP_US_Local.Base)
No entities are showing up in the rows of the CV:
- E#XFBR(TXP_ParamHelper, GetWFText2, position=1, Sort=Yes)
Local Filer Entity (Column 1)
No entities are showing up in the drop-down list:
- The account used in this column is “TXP_LocalFiler”.
- Only entities that have a Text 7 that contain “LocalFiler=Yes” with display in the list.
- The Cell Type is defined as a “Combo Box”.
Tax Rates Used (Column 2)
Only when the Entity and the Filer Entity (UD7) are the same will you be able to select the type of rate used.
- The account used in this column is “TXP_LocalFilerType”.
- You must make a selection in column 1 first and then save it before column 2 is available for a selection. Two options are available: Filer Rates or Individual Rates.
- The Cell type is defined as a “Combo Box”.
- No Input rules are used to limit when you can make a selection in column 2.