Troubleshooting - Schedule LP 12a ActualRTP Local GF – Enter Definitions
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 417.
See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100"
See KB article: "Troubleshooting the Schedules"
Schedule LP 12a ActualRTP Local GF – Enter Definitions
This schedule is only used on “xxx_LocalGroupFiler” workflows and must be completed before you can enter tax rates for Local JD’s in schedule 01.
The first column in this CV is hidden and uses a dynamic UD8 member (TXP_LocalFiler) which populates a “1” on any rows that contain Annotations (cell text). This is required for the suppression to work because suppression only works on data and not on cell text.
The first two columns for TXP_Actual are there for informational purposes and are read-only.
Dashboard Name
- SchLP12a_Local Group Filings (TXP)
UD1 Jurisdiction (JD)
No jurisdictions are showing up in the drop-down box:
- Parameter used: UD1_JD_WFText3_P1_TXP
- defined as: U1#XFBR(TXP_ParamHelper, GetWFText3, Position=1)
- WF Text 3 – needs to have the country level Local jurisdiction . Base (i.e. U1#TXP_US_Local.Base)
RTP Year
No RTP Years showing up in the drop-down box:
- Parameter used: |!RTPYears_TXP!|M12
- Defined as: XFBR(TXP_ParamHelper,RTPYears)
- Available years are: >= Seed Year and < Workflow Year
No entities are showing up in the rows of the CV:
- E#XFBR(TXP_ParamHelper, GetWFText2, position=1, Sort=Yes)
Local Filer Entity (Column 3)
No entities are showing up in the drop-down list:
- Account used in this column is “TXP_LocalFiler”
- Only entities that have a Text 7 that contain “LocalFiler=Yes” with display in the list.
- The Cell Type is defined as a “Combo Box”
Tax Rates Used (Column 4)
Only when the Entity and the Filer Entity (UD7) are the same will you be able to select the type of rate used.
- The account used in this column is “TXP_LocalFilerType”.
- You must make a selection in column 3 first and then save it before the fourth column is available for selection. Two options are available: Filer Rates or Individual Rates.
- The Cell type is defined as a “Combo Box”.
- No Input rules are used to limit when you can make a selection in column 2.
Changed (Column 5)
This column uses a BR to determine if there is a difference between columns 1 & 2 when compared to columns 3 & 4. It is only used for informational / analytical purposes.
- The Cell type is defined as a “Combo Box”.
- The parameter is defined as:
- This column uses a dynamic calc U8 member: “TXP_LocalFiler_Changed_ActualRTP”.