Knowledge Base Article
- BRileyNew Contributor
I understand that we will be provided a sandbox for v8 prep and a resource to assist us in making sure we are ready to upgrade. Is there a time constraint on the sandbox and resource?
- djcorbettContributor
Yes - all Cloud Customers are provisioned v8 Migration environments, 1 for 1 in alignment with their current/active environments. Meaning, if you have Prod and Non-Prod current environments ... you will be provisioned Prod_v8 and Non-Prod_v8 environments - in parallel - where you will perform upgrade activities (MP solution upgrades, resolve any Business Rule incompatibilities). These environments will have a temporary, distinct URL.
Once upgrade activities and testing of v8 is complete, there will be a final data merge into the v8 Migration environments, the current environment URLs will be assigned and away you go. The pre-v8 environments will be removed.
We are ensuring cloud customers demonstrate readiness for the v8+ Upgrade Migration Phase so that the time these v8 Migration environments are active is optimized. Readiness = getting your .NET6 Desktop Runtime provisioning plan in place, MP Solution Upgrade plan in place, etc...
So - long, but hopefully complete answer to your quesiton. We don't want the v8 Migration environments existing any longer than is needed for a customer's efficient upgrade process and testing. Please share your Upgrade plan with Customer Success so we're all on the same page! Thanks