Animated stuffs in dashboard

Contributor III

Hello !


I would like to bring some animations on my dashboard.

Anything from animated gif, autoplayed videos, CSS code ... that could be useful !

I have tried adding "file viewer" for an MP4 video but the "auto play" attribute doesn't seem to work. I've also tried animated gif, but these are not played as well.

Do you know any ways to overcome static objects on the homepage ?




Contributor III

Even a web URL integrated in a dashboard (like facebook) will be shown in a deprecated way without any animations on it. Seems like even CSS layout is not taken into account.

Embedded web contrent would indeed end up being opened in the regular browser rathern than being embedded in the dashboard. I assume this is not what you are interested into. So animations that loop over indefintely like a loop are not supported. 

However if you want to animate a button upon click or to represent the status of the action triggered by the button is possible. The solution is simply to create multiple images with a specific naming convention and use and XFBR to retrieve the status and compose the name of the desired image. 

This is the approach used in golfstream to change the colors of the buttons when the corresponding workflow is completed, in this case the icon becomes green


I know that is not the solution you were looking for but it might give a bit more interactivity to your dashboards and it is also functional since it provides information visually.

Contributor III

Thanks !


This is not what I would call "animated" but does give a little bit of responsiveness...

I have tried using an animated gif on BI Viewer but it is not animated as well 😑

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