Base Members as a List In SQL Queries

New Contributor II

Hi - I am currently working on a dashboard that leverages a data adapter to an external database to fetch detailed GL transactions (similar to drillback functionality) and return them in a BI Viewer table within a dashboard.  The SQL statement currently works as intended for when referencing a single, base member account and comparing to a bound account parameter a la:

WHERE   sql_data_account = '|OSAccountParameter|'

I'd like to modify this so that records are returned for all base members of an account a la:

WHERE   sql_data_account IN '|OSAccountParameter|.base'

However, I can't get anything similar to the above to work.  I assume it's because '|OSAccountParameter|.base' gets read a string literal.  Any ideas on how I can reference a list of base member given an account provided by a parameter in SQL?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


Contributor II

Hi @stribou, If you write your SQL in a business rule, you can use the SqlStringHelper class to build an IN clause dynamically by passing in your variables as a List(Of String) e.g.

' Get DimPk for Dimension
Dim dimPk As DimPk = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, "Time")
' Retrieve Base Members as List(Of String)
Dim memberList As List(Of String) = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetBaseMembers(si, dimPk, TimeDimHelper.GetIdFromName("2024"), Nothing). _
									Select(Function(lambda) lambda.Name).ToList()

' Create In Clause with memberList 									
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * From YourTable WHERE " + SqlStringHelper.CreateInClause("Time", memberList, True)													
' Log
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "LogSql", sql)

You can see what to pass in to the method using Intellisense

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor II

Hi, ".base" and other such functions do not work in SQL. Those are OneStream functions that work e.g. in Business Rules and Member Filter Builder. You will need to either return a list of string from your parameter with all the base members in it, or you can pull that information with SQL code.

Here is a post where someone shared such SQL code (including parents, so you need to adjust it according to your needs):

SQL query to retrieve base members of a hierarchy - OneStream Community (

People have contributed a lot and shared their own code. A great post in my view!

Contributor II

Hi @stribou, If you write your SQL in a business rule, you can use the SqlStringHelper class to build an IN clause dynamically by passing in your variables as a List(Of String) e.g.

' Get DimPk for Dimension
Dim dimPk As DimPk = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, "Time")
' Retrieve Base Members as List(Of String)
Dim memberList As List(Of String) = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetBaseMembers(si, dimPk, TimeDimHelper.GetIdFromName("2024"), Nothing). _
									Select(Function(lambda) lambda.Name).ToList()

' Create In Clause with memberList 									
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * From YourTable WHERE " + SqlStringHelper.CreateInClause("Time", memberList, True)													
' Log
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "LogSql", sql)

You can see what to pass in to the method using Intellisense