Create Excel Book

New Contributor


I am trying to create a OneStream Book that contains data in Excel format instead of PDF from a dashboard component. Currently, the book uses a dashboard report component to generate a .xfDoc.pdfBook containing the data, which Parcel Service then attaches to a list of emails and dispatches in a zipped folder.

I attempted to create a book that retrieves the data from the same dashboard component but in .xfDoc.xlBook format. However, every time I run the Parcel Service to dispatch the file in Excel format, the Excel file is blank.

Could you please advise if there is a way to obtain the same data in the Excel attachment as we have in the PDF attachment?

Thank you


New Contributor II

I'm still pretty new to OS but so far anytime I have created a book that produced blank results it is somehow related to POV or not setting up my loops correctly to pass variables.  I also learned a hard way to make sure my loop variable has the dimension indicator (E#, A#, etc)

Contributor III

Hi ChoolweJoe: unfortunately .xlBooks cannot use dashboard report components. You are limited to just Excel Export items, meaning cube views.

Excel Export Item (