Cube View Sort by Values with Member Expansion

New Contributor

Hello - I am working on a cube view where I would want the resulting values (variance amount) to sort with the highest value first. The complication is, my users are used to reports from Hyperion that enabled expansion drilldowns on these members. The Hyperion reports retained the sorting even when using expansion. I can't seem to figure out how to do this in OS - or if it is even possible - when selecting a member expansion (.Tree or .Base). 


Wondering if anyone else has attempted this. 





Honored Contributor

I don't think you can achieve this in CubeViews, but it might work by leveraging Pivot Grids. Here is what I would suggest:

  1. Create the Cube View that will produce the data
  2. Create a Dashboard Data Adapter of type Cube View MD, that uses that CV to pull data
  3. Create a Pivot Grid Component and attach the Data Adapter to it
  4. Create a Dashboard containing that Pivot Grid.
  5. Preview and set sorting and filtering options on that.

Alternatively, you can pull the whole CubeView (fully expanded) in an Excel sheet, and then manage your data fully there (displaying it in another sheet), which gives you a bunch of other options.