Parameterize dimensions in Business Rule and then in cell format of the CV

New Contributor


I am trying to parameterize all the dimensions within a business rule. I am doing this because I want to use that business rule in the cell format of a cube view to make it dynamic.

If passing the rule parameters within the cell format of the cube view works, I will include an image:


However, when passing the parameter in the cell format of the business rule, the statement is not working:


The parameter is created as a literal value type. Could it be that it's not working because of the |CV|? Attached is an image of the parameter.


I hope someone knows how to solve this. Thank you in advance :))




Contributor II

Hi - have you tried just referencing the XFBR directly instead of storing in a literal value param? Can you try logging a message in the XFBR rule (perhaps the value of one of the parameters) to see if the rule is actually being executed?