Forum Discussion

Clarke_Hair's avatar
2 years ago

Parcel Service Bursting - FXGet based excel to static values for non-licensed users

Need to burst out a file (ie multiple tabs) in excel to non-licensed users (ie preview of dept expenses for Fcst to managers).  I have done this with output being pdf (CV's and FXGets via Books), just not sure how to do with output being excel.  Right now I have it all working (bursting, passing parameters,...) and delivering an excel doc, just can't figure out how to convert the FXGet formula's to values.  File is getting delivered but still with the formula's.  This is when I am just using a direct link to the excel file on my App Doc's folder.  I have tried to insert the excel doc in a book but that just delivers an empty excel file.  Not sure what I am missing there.  Direct link to Excel allows the Supplied Parameters to be found and populated so I am thinking I am missing something on the Book setup.

Anyway - Anybody been able to send excel FXGet report converted to static values via Parcel Service?  Can you let me know what I have missed.

Do to formatting, multiple tabs and complexity of parameters, CV is not on option at this time.

Report OutputSetupInput

  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Clarke: I would recommend sticking with Cube Views, in the Book report, just exported to Excel.  This way you can have multiple tabs in one Excel file (if that's a requirement), as well as loops, parameters, and all the formatting that comes with Cube Views.

    Your book will be a.xfDoc.xlBook, and inside the book you'll use Excel Export Item of your Cube View.

    Give that a shot and see if it meets your requirements.

  • CELGER's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Clarke - related to your topic but not an answer, unfortunately...have you been able to use parcel services to publish quick views in excel to PDF? For example, I am looking run an excel, quick view for 100 locations and publish all to one PDF. Thanks for your input!

    • Clarke_Hair's avatar

      Yes, I have done this three ways.  One version was FXGets in an excel worksheet that I created a loop and just passed different values.  Think Gross Margin statement and I was passing different entities (top.base - loop).  Second was almost the same but using a CV and looping through parameters.  The third was more complex in that instead of looping through parameters, i just had a long list of CV/Excel with different parameters for each.  All Three came out as pdf.  Right now, this seems to be the best and most capable way of getting content out (ie PDF).  Everything involving Excel is slightly less than what I want.  Hoping 8.4 will have more options.