Percentage sign not showing for columns in report book
I am having trouble keeping the percentage sign for my percentage columns when running a report book from a CV.
the percentage sign is working when it is in CV but not when it is exported to excel or when I run it in a report book.
I did change the cell formatting for reporting as suggested in another post, which is changing ReportUseNumericBinding to True and set ReportNumbericBindingFormat to percent sign. But it is still not working for me.
this is the formatting I am using for the column: BackgroundColor = White, ExcelNumberFormat = 0.00%, ExcelRightBorderColor = Black, ExcelRightBorderLineStyle = Thin, ExcelWrapText = True, ReportNumericBindingFormat = [#,###,0\%], ReportUseNumericBinding = True, ShowPercentSign = True
I think I found the solution to this. Under Rows, there is a section called Column Overrides, all I needed to do was to add the columns that I want to show percentage sign in column range and put the cell format I want to have for those columns. below is my example.
Another option, if you do not want to use a column range override on specific rows, is to use a default conditional formatting option based upon your column naming convention.
For example, if all your column names contain "_%" or "%" or "PCT" in the cube view column name, you can key in on that to add your number formatting standard.
It would be something like this:
If (ColName Contains '_%') Then
Add your formatting here
End IfThis way if you name your columns consistently you do not have to update the override for non-contiguous or newly added columns in the future.