See last time changes were made to a cell

New Contributor III

I am trying to see the last changes were made to an intersection. Currently I am using a UD8 to join a couple tables together and can see the last time a section was changed but my issue is run time. It will run in about 2 seconds for one account but times out if I try to run it on all accounts. It is being used in combination with an XFBR that pulls a rolling list to select days after a date is selected from a date selector. Is there an easier way to see if changes were made to a certain intersection that would run quicker?



Depending on how that data was loaded, when you Drill Down you might get an option (in your right-click menu on items in the lower half of the screen) to "Audit History for Forms or Adjustment Cell".

Beyond that, the speed of execution depends on what SQL your queries execute 😅 You might want to look at the Data Adapter WF_DataEntry_Detail_RPTA from Application Reports for some inspiration.

There might also be an issue of how big your audit tables are. You might want to add some extra indexes to speed up things.

Thanks for the response! I ended up moving away from the XFBR string and going with a data adapter to loop through the next 5 business days based on a user selection. I then set those days as individual literal parameters and used the parameters on the cube view along with the dynamic and things seem to be running better.