Hi Kris, so you are attempting a standard translation override. Typically one uses the flow dimension for this, but I assume using an account to hold the override data is the result of the design session. There are - as always - several ways to go about it. Here is a simple example:
If (Not api.Entity.HasChildren() And api.Cons.IsForeignCurrencyForEntity) Then 'Execute on local entity and C#Ttranslated
If not api.Data.GetDataCell("A#B").CellStatus.IsNoData Then 'If B has data, clear A on Translated and copy from B
api.Data.ClearCalculatedData(False, True, False, "A#A") 'Set only Clear Translated Data to TRUE
api.Data.Calculate("A#A = A#B") 'Copy translation overrides from B to A
End if
End if