Best way to this calculation

Valued Contributor

Hi - I know the below code is not a good practice but is there is an alternative way to set the data =0 because I want to clear all Origin Base member and UD2 base. Any help would be appreciated ? 


api.Data.Calculate("A#ACCT:F#EndBalInput:UD1#" & ud1Member & ":UD3#" & ud3Member & ":I#" & icpMember & ":C#USD:O#All:UD2#All:UD4#None:UD5#None:UD6#None:UD7#None:UD8#None = 0")




Contributor II


I would use a data buffer and then clear out/reset each data buffer cell. Here's some sample code. I would pull all ud1, ud3 and ICP members in the data buffer (i.e. exclude the dimensions in the member filter script) and then search for specific members within the For Each cell loop. 




Valued Contributor

Thanks Cosimo. 

I already know the ICP, UD1 & UD3 but I want to clear the data for all the Origin & UD2 member. IN that case Can I just use the data buffer cell to clear all Origin & UD2 base members. Will this work ?






Valued Contributor

In case you use the data buffer way, make sure to set the isNoData boolean for the cell's status to True:



Still, please be aware of possible consequences and consider alternative approaches.

Contributor II

Yes.. the data buffer will include all cells for any Origin / UD2 combination that has data (real or derived). Just loop through each cell and reset the cell back to NoData. 

Since you mention the ICP dimension, are you trying to clear out intercompany and elimination data from your script? If yes, you will need to run the same calculation for C#Elimination data unit as this is linked to O#Elimination.




Valued Contributor

Hi Kris, thank you very much for asking this question as you already point out that this is not recommended.

What is the reason that you need to clear that data? Is this data calculated so that you can use a Is it loaded, then it would be best to reload that data with an adjusted dataset prior to loading? Etc.?

The thing is with a Business Rule, you remove all of that data (and really, please do not set to zero!), also in periods that have been closed and locked already if they get reconsolidated. So you are tapping into serious audit issues here in my view.

Valued Contributor

I have modified as below and let me know if this good. All I am doing is to if there is a data in USD Account then I am clearing the other account at USD and copying the data.

If Not api.Entity.HasChildren Then

	Dim destAcct As String = "A#OCI_PensionOPEB"
	Dim destDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(A#OCI_PensionOPEB:F#EndBalInput:C#USD)")

	Dim srcAcct As String = "A#USDOCI_PensionOPEB"
	Dim srcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(A#USDOCI_PensionOPEB:F#EndBalInput)")

	If Not srcDataBuffer Is Nothing Then

		For Each srccell As DataBufferCell In srcDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values
			If srccell.CellAmount <> 0 Then
				Dim ud1Member As String = srccell.GetUD1Name(api)
				Dim ud3Member As String = srccell.GetUD3Name(api)
				Dim icp As String = srccell.GetICName(api)

				If Not destDataBuffer Is Nothing Then
					For Each sourcecell As DataBufferCell In destDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values
						If Not sourcecell.CellStatus.IsNoData Then
							api.Data.ClearCalculatedData(True, True, True, destAcct,,, "I#" & icp, "U1#" & ud1Member,, "U3#" & ud3Member,,,,,)
						End If
				End If
			End If
	End If
End If

Valued Contributor

Hi Kris,

I am still not 100% sure what you are trying to achieve here. When you want to copy data from account A to B, account B is a calculated account, I assume? That is why I asked if the data you wish to clear is calculated. 

With regards to your script, you are looping within a loop, which I would not recommend as this will have an impact on performance.


I will assume that there is calculated data on the target account that is being calculated during each calculation. Ideally, data is not copied to an account where it has to be deleted later on. If that cannot be avoided one may clear it afterwards, of course. In that case, (something like) these two rows may be all you need.


Valued Contributor

Hi Henning - Thanks and Here you go.


A - Normal Account
B - USD Override Account

The above 2 accounts come through the file

1. When Account B has data then Copy the Data from B to A USD and A Local should not be cleared.
2. If the B has no data, then A should translate naturally.


Valued Contributor

Hi Kris, so you are attempting a standard translation override. Typically one uses the flow dimension for this, but I assume using an account to hold the override data is the result of the design session. There are - as always - several ways to go about it. Here is a simple example:


If (Not api.Entity.HasChildren() And api.Cons.IsForeignCurrencyForEntity) Then 'Execute on local entity and C#Ttranslated

If not api.Data.GetDataCell("A#B").CellStatus.IsNoData Then 'If B has data, clear A on Translated and copy from B

api.Data.ClearCalculatedData(False, True, False, "A#A") 'Set only Clear Translated Data to TRUE
api.Data.Calculate("A#A = A#B") 'Copy translation overrides from B to A
End if
End if

New Contributor III

Hi Kris,

You can do it with a little trick: First, change the number status to "IsCalculated", then clear calculated data.


Dim script As String = "U2#Allo"
api.Data.Calculate($"{script} = 0 * {script}")




Valued Contributor

