Business Rule Failing - Time Out Error

New Contributor II


I am running a Business Rule to extract Forecast data using Data Management task. The BR is working fine for Q1 Fcst, Q2 Fcst but when I am running the same BR for Q3 Fcst, it is failing and giving the below error.

Error message -


Summary: Error processing Data Management Step 'Export_TAX_PandL'. Unable to execute Business Rule 'extr_TEST_TAX_ExtractPandL'. Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. (SQL Error Number -2146232060, -2). The wait operation timed out

The process is also running fine in QA without any issues for all the scenarios.

Any inputs much appreciated!!


Thank you!


Honored Contributor

Sounds like a network or server timeout, possibly due to data volume. I would talk to Support.