Dashboard Extender BR fails to retrieve WF information for Scenario and Period
Hi all,
I'm working on a Dashboard Extender BR where different processes will be triggered depending on the button selected by the user on the dashboard.
The BR is structured this way:
The two parameters shown above (p_scenario and p_yearmonth) retrieve the value for Scenario and Period from the WF.
Every time the user clicks on a different button, two variables are assigned the value of WF Period and WF Scenario as shown above.
The process works fine for all of the dashboard buttons except one. When that one is clicked, the values of WF Period and Scenario are not retrieved. The two variables shown above are left as empty strings.
Any idea what might be causing this?
I'm using the same formula for all of the buttons:
Dim Scenario As String = args.SelectionChangedTaskInfo.CustomSubstVars.XFGetValue("p_scenario")
it works fine on all buttons except that one
Thanks in advance for any help on this!