Forum Discussion

Krishna's avatar
Valued Contributor
3 years ago

FDX Cube View Rule

I have created a Dashboard Dara Set BR and I am attached in the data adapter. When I am trying to execute the rule am getting 0 data. See below the entity is always passing as None but when I add a log message in the code the variable is passing based on the selection and printing the correct entity. in My CV i also have the FDXentity parameter. Any Idea why it is happening ?

Original Query 


Substituted Query 







  • Krishna's avatar
    3 years ago


    I found the Solution & answered my own question

    FDX Adapter call



    Dashboard BR

    Dim entityDimName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityDimName")

    Dim entityMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityMemFilter")







  • Here is the entire code & Steps. It is kind of very basic

    1. Create a CV with the Parameter in this example it is entity. 

    2. Dashboard Dataset rule is below.

    3. Create an Adapter call the BR with the parameters. entityDimName parameter is your entity Dimension in the dimension library. This was the parameter I was missing in the adapter.



    Case Is = DashboardDataSetFunctionType.GetDataSet
        If args.DataSetName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("ExtractCubeViewTimePivot") Then
            Dim cvNameToExtract As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("cvNameToExtract", String.Empty)
            Dim entityDimName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityDimName")
            Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, entityDimName)
            Dim entityMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityMemFilter")
            Dim scenarioDimName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("", String.Empty)
            Dim scenarioMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("", String.Empty)
            Dim timeMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("", String.Empty)
            Dim nameValuePairs As NameValueFormatBuilder = New NameValueFormatBuilder(String.Empty, args.CustomSubstVars, False)
            Dim includeCellText As Boolean = False
            Dim useStandardFields As Boolean = True
            Dim useGenericTimeColNames As Boolean = False
            Dim filter As String = String.Empty
            Dim parallelQueryCount As Integer = 8
            Dim logStats As Boolean = False
            Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteCubeViewTimePivot(si, cvNameToExtract, entityDimName, entityMemFilter, scenarioDimName, scenarioMemFilter, timeMemFilter, nameValuePairs, includeCellText, useStandardFields, useGenericTimeColNames, filter, parallelQueryCount, logStats)
            If Not dt Is Nothing Then
                Return dt
                Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, entityDimName)
                Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, entityDimName)
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End If
    End Select




  • How are you calling this? Is it part of a dashboard? I see that you are passing a parameter to the rule, so that parameter should come from somewhere. (a combo box or something). When you directly run the adapter it is not going to pick it up.

  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    It is a Dashboard Parameter. and it is in my cube view POV.

    Dim entityDimName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityDimName ",String.Empty)

    • I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve. Why is it going to an adapter to get the data when you already have a cubeview? FDX is used for exports and in business rules. If you need the data adapter to work using a dashboard data set rule then you need a dashboard that has a component that uses the parameter you are passing to the DDS rule.

  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Great. I will figure it out and post my comments. I know I have data in CV but I am trying to use in Dashboard to create a Pivot table. Thanks for your input.

    • You can always do that using a cubeviewmd adapter. I don't think you need FDX for that. 

      • Krishna's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        FYI. I am trying different options and trying to find which is better BTW I already implemented CVMD. Thanks. I think we are deviating from the topic. 

  • Try this


    and in the Business Rule

    Dim selectedEntity as string = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityDimName", String.Empty)

    Dim entityMemFilter As String = "E#" & selectedEntity

    and in the FDX call pass entityMemFilter


    • Krishna's avatar
      Valued Contributor


      I found the Solution & answered my own question

      FDX Adapter call



      Dashboard BR

      Dim entityDimName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityDimName")

      Dim entityMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityMemFilter")







      • You are confusing people with this solution. Why would this work? If it did that means you didn't supply the entity dimension in your FDX call. So it is always better to post the whole thing rather than bits and pieces of it.

  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Here is the entire code & Steps. It is kind of very basic

    1. Create a CV with the Parameter in this example it is entity. 

    2. Dashboard Dataset rule is below.

    3. Create an Adapter call the BR with the parameters. entityDimName parameter is your entity Dimension in the dimension library. This was the parameter I was missing in the adapter.



    Case Is = DashboardDataSetFunctionType.GetDataSet
        If args.DataSetName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("ExtractCubeViewTimePivot") Then
            Dim cvNameToExtract As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("cvNameToExtract", String.Empty)
            Dim entityDimName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityDimName")
            Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, entityDimName)
            Dim entityMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("entityMemFilter")
            Dim scenarioDimName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("", String.Empty)
            Dim scenarioMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("", String.Empty)
            Dim timeMemFilter As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("", String.Empty)
            Dim nameValuePairs As NameValueFormatBuilder = New NameValueFormatBuilder(String.Empty, args.CustomSubstVars, False)
            Dim includeCellText As Boolean = False
            Dim useStandardFields As Boolean = True
            Dim useGenericTimeColNames As Boolean = False
            Dim filter As String = String.Empty
            Dim parallelQueryCount As Integer = 8
            Dim logStats As Boolean = False
            Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteCubeViewTimePivot(si, cvNameToExtract, entityDimName, entityMemFilter, scenarioDimName, scenarioMemFilter, timeMemFilter, nameValuePairs, includeCellText, useStandardFields, useGenericTimeColNames, filter, parallelQueryCount, logStats)
            If Not dt Is Nothing Then
                Return dt
                Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, entityDimName)
                Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, entityDimName)
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End If
    End Select




  • Sergey's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi ! Could you please specify if the E#|!FdxEntity!| should be written somewhere in the cube view ? Is it a dashboard parameter that you have created ?



    • Krishna's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      It is a Dashboard Parameter which is passing the entity as a parameter.