Forum Discussion

GregHertling's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

How do you clear elimination records for parent members that have been cleared/removed

Hi, I found this post from a year ago.  Has the solution mentioned been added to the product?  I have this exact situation and looking for the easiest solution.





  • The data is stored in the intersection even when the parent is removed.
  • To clear the data, you would need to put the children back under the parent, run a DM job to clear data that is for E#[YourTopParent].DescendantsInclusive and T#[YourApplicableYear].DescendantsInclusive and then force consolidate.
  • This will clear the elimination data for the parent (but also the data for the children entities).
  • Then, the parents can be deleted/removed as needed.
  • Note: There is a pending update to the product to address this in a future release.
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