How to call a function in Workspace assemblies?
Hi guys,
I coudn't find the proper hint in OneStream.
In my dashboards, I'm using several XFBR string rules or Dashboard extender rules. I would like to move some of them to Workspace assemblies, available starting version 7.4. If I do so, does anybody know how to call a function in there?
Stupid example, I'm defining the position of a temporary file to download with an XFBR rule called MyXFBR, function CleanUsername.
UrlOrFullFileName=[Internal/Users/XFBR(MyXFBR, CleanUsername)/Temp/FileToDownload.csv]
Now I've created the same function CleanUsername in a Workspace assembly named MyAssembly, in a file named FolderManagement.vb. How this should be amended?
XFBR(MyXFBR, CleanUsername)
?? XFBR(MyAssembly, FolderManagement, CleanUsername) ?? it doesn't look very good....
That's pretty new, but I hope a few guys in this community have used it already.
Use the following syntax instead of just RuleName,
Example-XFBR(Workspace.MyWorkspace.MyAssembly.ParamHelper, CleanUsername)
Try this: XFBR(Workspace.Current.MyAssembly.FileName, FunctionName)