I have a calculation F#Flowmember= T#TimeMember1+T#TimeMember2 +T#TimeMember3 in Local which works fine. I want a similar calc in USD as well, so i run the same custom calc through DM Step just changing the Consol Member to USD.
Now the problem is, when i run consolidation. the USD Calculated values are overwritten by translation numbers which i dont want to and retain the custom cal which i did in USD.
1. for USD Accounts you should set the below property to true
2. In the Flow you have to Create a Calc & Input Member. or You can also create a Finance Rule.
3. The below is the sample for the USD override formula but you need to change based on your requirement and also test this in Dev environment.
If Not api.Entity.HasChildren Then
Dim destAcct As String = "A#APIC_Interco"
Dim destDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(A#APIC_Interco:F#EndingBal:C#USD)")
Dim srcAcct As String = "A#USDAPIC_Interco"
Dim srcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(A#USDAPIC_Interco:F#EndBalInput:A#USDAPIC_Interco)")
If Not srcDataBuffer Is Nothing Then
For Each srccell As DataBufferCell In srcDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values
If srccell.CellAmount <> 0 Then
Dim ud1Member As String = srccell.GetUD1Name(api)
Dim ud3Member As String = srccell.GetUD3Name(api)
Dim icp As String = srccell.GetICName(api)
If Not destDataBuffer Is Nothing Then
For Each sourcecell As DataBufferCell In destDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values
If Not sourcecell.CellStatus.IsNoData Then
api.Data.ClearCalculatedData(True,True,True,destAcct,,,"I#" & icp,"U1#" & ud1Member,,"U3#" & ud3Member,,,,,)
End If
End If
End If
api.Data.Calculate("A#APIC_Interco:F#EndBalInput= RemoveZeros(A#USDAPIC_Interco:F#EndBalInput)")
End If
End If