Performance issue with Cubeview
Hi Team,
I need to parameterize my Cubeview where I need to sum two flow member data and show it in my Cubeview , For which i need to write a rule in that rule I have to create a temporary variable member (Total) which doesn't exist in our flow hierarchy which will contain sum of our flow member (RFX_Input + UFX_Input) data, and this Total variable member we have to parameterize and so that when Cubeview runs it'll show me the total value of (RFX_input + UFX_input) into my Cubeview. Please help me to guide how to write this rule logic. We have tried creating it as a parameter with getcelldata but the cubeview does not render and timesout.
Hi - can you post the getdatacell formula that you tried? The below should work:
GetDataCell(F#RFX_input + F#UFX_input):Name(Total)